Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Paint and Collage Play

It's been awhile since I've done any paint or collage work. There are a lot of reasons for that but they  really don't matter because I put my craft space back in order and I have been at it again. I don't really know what to call these little art pieces. I was inspired by the many examples of Art Journal works and pages and books so popular now. Art Journaling, as it's called, was a good jumping off point to trying some things with paints, collage, stamps, texture, mixed media, etc. My problem is that once I finish the 'background' for an art journal page I don't want to mess it up with words, or or images or whatever else people put on their art journal pages. I'm totally uninspired to do any of that.  I like the "Art" half of art journaling and would rather leave my journaling in the many written and electronic journals I keep daily. My right brain and left brain are both getting the exercise they need just not in the same place. Here are a few warm up pieces I've done this month.

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